Wildflowers are potent symbols of hope and resilience. They’re a prominent subject of many country, folk, and rock songs alike—and they’ve long been used to represent the idea of growth and strength amidst hardship. But what exactly are they? Wildflowers are simply flowers that grow naturally in their environment, without human interference. However, you can still plant wildflowers in your garden—especially if you want to create a pollinator-friendly garden. Here are 8 different types of wildflowers to consider planting in your garden.
Black-Eyed Susan
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Black-eyed Susans are one of the most instantly recognizable wildflowers. The bright yellow flower heads are reminiscent of daisies and the dark brown centers are the “black eyes” behind the name. Black-eyed Susans typically bloom from early summer to fall and they can grow up to 3 feet tall.
Gail Shotlander/Getty Images
Looking to attract some monarch butterflies to your yard? Then you should definitely plant milkweed. Milkweed is the sole host plant for the monarch butterfly’s caterpillar, providing crucial food and shelter for the larva, which is necessary for them to develop into butterflies. Plus, they look nice, with clusters of delicate, pale pink flowers.
Nancybelle Gonzaga Villarroya/Getty Images
You’ve likely seen these pinkish purple flowers planted next to black-eyed Susans, as the two daisy-like flowers make great companion plants. Coneflower are super easy to grow and they bloom all summer long, so you can enjoy a bright patch of color in your yard throughout the season.
Aldo Pavan/Getty Images
Yarrow has flat-topped clusters of small white flowers with feathery, fern-like leaves. The bloom stalks can reach up to 3 feet tall, while the foliage spreads outward and can act as a ground cover. The flowers bloom from April to October, providing plenty of time to enjoy the attractive clusters.
Ashley Cooper/Getty Images
Foxglove is a striking plant with tall spikes that produce vertical rows of bell-shaped florets. While beautiful, however, the plant is also known for its toxicity and is extremely poisonous if consumed by pets or humans. So, be cautious when planting this beauty in your garden.
Nathan Griffith/Getty Images
If you’re looking for wildflowers that can double as a ground cover, phlox is a great choice. These low-growing plants produce blankets of small flowers that will quickly liven up any garden and fill in gaps in the soil with bursts of bright colors.
Wild Columbine
GarysFRP/Getty Images
Wild columbine is one of those plants that looks like it must have come from another planet (but it’s actually native to North America.) The flowers hang down like lanterns, with upward-pointing red spurs and bright yellow stamens. While the drooping flowers look delicate, the plant is a hardy perennial.
Evening Primrose
Christina Vartanova/Getty Images
If you search for “evening primrose,” you may come across results for supplements before the actual flower itself. That’s because an oil from the plant’s seeds is commonly used to treat everything from PMS symptoms to eczema. The plant can also do wonders to heal a lack of color in your garden, with bright yellow, citrus-scented flowers that open in the late afternoon or evening, hence the name.
Source: realsimple.com
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